Everyone deserves to feel safe in our community, and safe neighborhoods are critical to maintaining a high quality of life in Gwinnett County. Ruwa will work with local leaders and law enforcement to help ensure our first responders have the resources they need to serve our communities, and she will work to pursue innovative public safety policy that reduces crime and improves our criminal justice system. State and local leaders can work together to ensure safe communities for everyone. Ruwa will work to:
End the case backlog in our court system so that cases can be heard without long delays and those who break the law can be held accountable
Increase support for mental health and substance abuse treatment in our community
Pursue policy that allows law enforcement and prosecutors to focus on violent crime rather than non-violent crime such as marijuana cases
Implement common-sense gun safety policies that keep guns out of the hands of abusers and violent criminals, and out of our schools and parks
Increase certification requirements for law enforcement
Increase pay for first responders
Leverage her expertise to combat human trafficking and the opioid crisis at the local level
State and local leaders can work together to ensure safe communities for everyone.